Steps Method
Chess-Steps has been developed in 1987 by Rob Brunia and Cor van Wijgerden in order to teach children to play chess.
Embraced by the Royal Dutch Chess Federation Chess-Steps became the single most popular method in The Netherlands. It spread throughout Europe and is now available world wide, including the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.. Chess-Steps is praised as one of the most innovative chess instructional programs in the world.
Princeton Chess Academy is the first chess school in USA that fully adopts the Steps Method as its core curriculum. After years of research, studying many popular manuals and curriculum from Kasparov Chess Foundation,, Susan Polgar, and etc., we conclude that the Steps Method is the best system to teach children, moving them from total beginners to advanced chess players.
There are six steps in the Steps Method. We are focusing on the first 4 steps. Each step takes about 32 weeks (one school year). Each step has three workbooks: core, extra and plus, with about 500 problems each. We expect our students to reach the advanced level (1500) after the four-year training.
Here are the summaries of all steps.
Step 1: rules of chess, how pieces move, introduce attack and defend, check, checkmate
plus: advanced attack and defend, board vision, exchange, mate patterns, draw, passed pawn
Goal of Step 1: play a game from the beginning to the end confidently without any illegal move
Step 2: opening principles, basic tactics including: double attack, pin, eliminate defense, discovery attack, mate in two, and defend against mate
plus: simple pawn endings, mating net, how to defend, stale mate, route planner
Goal of Step 2: know most basic tactics, start playing in chess tournaments
Step 3: deep diving on the tactics learned in step 2, defend against double attack, attack pinned piece, X-ray, mini plan, introduce positional thinking
plus: key squares, pawn endings, opening revisit, development and tempo, intermediate move
Goal of Step 3: skillfully utilize the tactics to win games, become intermediate players (above 800, may reach 1200 or higher)
Step 4: opening advantage, interfering, luring, blocking, think ahead, weak pawns, attack the king
plus: seventh rank, end game strategies, trapping
Goal of Step 4: be able to analyze a position, plan for attack or defense, become advanced players (above 1500)
Step 5: advanced topics
Step 6: self study material, for expert players only.
Of course, even the best system requires hard work from the students. The students should play a lot of games, and work on thousands of tactic problems outside classroom, otherwise theory or knowledge will stay on paper and not in their games.
We wish your children could benefit from this wonderful system, and become confident, mature chess players who will enjoy chess for life.
Also see the official Steps Method website
Embraced by the Royal Dutch Chess Federation Chess-Steps became the single most popular method in The Netherlands. It spread throughout Europe and is now available world wide, including the Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland and Austria.. Chess-Steps is praised as one of the most innovative chess instructional programs in the world.
Princeton Chess Academy is the first chess school in USA that fully adopts the Steps Method as its core curriculum. After years of research, studying many popular manuals and curriculum from Kasparov Chess Foundation,, Susan Polgar, and etc., we conclude that the Steps Method is the best system to teach children, moving them from total beginners to advanced chess players.
There are six steps in the Steps Method. We are focusing on the first 4 steps. Each step takes about 32 weeks (one school year). Each step has three workbooks: core, extra and plus, with about 500 problems each. We expect our students to reach the advanced level (1500) after the four-year training.
Here are the summaries of all steps.
Step 1: rules of chess, how pieces move, introduce attack and defend, check, checkmate
plus: advanced attack and defend, board vision, exchange, mate patterns, draw, passed pawn
Goal of Step 1: play a game from the beginning to the end confidently without any illegal move
Step 2: opening principles, basic tactics including: double attack, pin, eliminate defense, discovery attack, mate in two, and defend against mate
plus: simple pawn endings, mating net, how to defend, stale mate, route planner
Goal of Step 2: know most basic tactics, start playing in chess tournaments
Step 3: deep diving on the tactics learned in step 2, defend against double attack, attack pinned piece, X-ray, mini plan, introduce positional thinking
plus: key squares, pawn endings, opening revisit, development and tempo, intermediate move
Goal of Step 3: skillfully utilize the tactics to win games, become intermediate players (above 800, may reach 1200 or higher)
Step 4: opening advantage, interfering, luring, blocking, think ahead, weak pawns, attack the king
plus: seventh rank, end game strategies, trapping
Goal of Step 4: be able to analyze a position, plan for attack or defense, become advanced players (above 1500)
Step 5: advanced topics
Step 6: self study material, for expert players only.
Of course, even the best system requires hard work from the students. The students should play a lot of games, and work on thousands of tactic problems outside classroom, otherwise theory or knowledge will stay on paper and not in their games.
We wish your children could benefit from this wonderful system, and become confident, mature chess players who will enjoy chess for life.
Also see the official Steps Method website